If you know me
You know my story

For the ❤ of creativity

So everyone knows, this is my own journal which I’ll start adding random points of time that influenced me through to where I am today. I do apologies in advance about my writing skills, as education from high school to University (only lasted 1 year) was just boring to me.  I’ve got a timeline of adventures and moments that I feel changed my whole idea of life, that I wasn’t set out for the 9-6 and working over 100 hours on myself and business(s) was more inspiring to me.

I’ve crossed paths with many, some I can say were total regrets and the others were inspiring to me to this day. I’ve come to realise at the age of 30 that keeping your circle small, but with great influence is how you make progression. Krazy Media was a box room idea that developed from imagination and I believe if I didn’t put focus at that time on something so unknown, I would not be the person I am today.

Now that’s not to say that Krazy Media was in my blood, but I believe in the universe and its guidance throughout. It’s connected with me so much through my creativity, network and other areas I consider core to my DNA. I wasn’t a degree holder and everything learnt has been through self education, which will be handed down to my kids once they’re born.

Much of what I’m saying is for me to look through when I am old and grey, but I hope those who read my journal of creativity know I am here on earth for more then a job career and that what I do in the future will benefit communities globally.

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